Back Exercises At Home

Performing back exercises is of vital importance to provide the spine with adequate protection and to achieve efficient prevention of injuries and poor posture in the future. However, on multiple occasions, we could not find the time during the day to go to a sports center. Therefore, performing back exercises at home can be the great solution.

What are back exercises at home?

Training at home is one of the alternatives, more and more popular, most used by people. Performing back exercises at home opens up multiple possibilities. You can train with your own body; buy some weights, or maybe some machinery. One of the most recommended and economical options are the acquisition of ropes to be able to perform exercises with some tension. Without going any further, lateral raises or birds can also be performed with ropes.

Obviously, it requires prior resource planning. The exercises are the same as those performed in gyms with the only limitation that we may lack equipment to carry out our training. This, far from being an impediment, will force us to spend more time on training. The lack of weight will prevent us from performing sets of 10 or 12 repetitions, but we will have to perform many more to achieve the same fatigue as in a gym.

The advantages, however, are also multiple. Greater comfort by not having to move from home, better personalization in the schedule, being in your own habitat, being able to play the music you want… In fact, many people say that, given power by equipment, they would train at home given the greater comforts.

The benefits of back exercises

Performing back exercises at home, on the other hand, has numerous benefits. To the advantages of training in your own home, we must add the purely physical ones:

  • It widens the back and strengthens the dorsal and lower back, achieving an imposing and worked back.
  • Prevents injuries and pain such as low back pain or postural problems.
  • The greater strength in the back gives numerous benefits when practicing other sports such as soccer or tennis.
  • You reach old age with greater health and the ability to walk perfectly with a straight back.
  • Training at home with your own body prevents muscular overloads that could affect your back in the future.

Before starting any type of gym routine, and more so when it comes to the back, it is essential to visit a professional. The spine is the epicenter of a person to move. Therefore, we must take care of it with greater care than any other muscle group. A good performance at an early age will allow you to enjoy greater postural health in the future.

How to do back exercises at home

Performing back exercises at home has many advantages but also some drawbacks. For this reason, we propose training with your own body, and without the need to use dumbbells or machines, thus avoiding an economic expense to be able to train with total conditions as if it were a sports center. In fact, training with your own body allows you to achieve cleaner and healthier results than not adding external weight from machines or weights.

To do this, to begin with, we will divide the back into two parts: the lower part, and the upper-middle part. The lower part is the most lumbar part, and the upper-middle part is all the dorsal ones. To strengthen the lower back, we will focus on those stabilizing muscles that basically contribute to achieving a good core and good body posture. The superman consists of imitating the position of the superhero. Stretched face down, we will raise arms and legs at the same time. Along the same lines, the cobra consists of raising the trunk leaving the arms extended on both sides of the body. In this exercise, it is crucial to exert force with the back and the neck to avoid damaging the cervical. The breath stroke, on the other hand, mimics a breaststroke swimmer. With the legs stretched out and the body erect, we will perform a series of chest strokes to work the lower back.

To work this part of the body you can also practice the inverted bridge. With the back facing the ground and supported by the tips of the feet and the hands, we will perform an inverted abdominal bridge or plank / table. The swimmer exercise is typical of Pilates, although it is also very useful for training the lower back. Stretched face down, we will raise one arm and the opposite leg at the same time. Once finished, we will return to the starting position and repeat the same movement with the opposite arm and leg. The birds are one of the best known exercises to train the last. Without dumbbells, it is also possible to do it at home. For training the upper mid-back, it’s a good starting point. Stretched face down with the forehead touching the ground, and only raising the arms perpendicular to the body to work the different muscles of the back. The execution is similar to push-ups, but only the scapulae act. 

Have you ever gone to the snow and tried to imitate a lying angel? Well, this exercise, known as an inverted snow angel, is about this. With the head lying facing the ground, we will move the arms in the same direction as we would to form an angel in the snow. The next exercise involves performing push-ups in a supine position. We will stretch the body with the back touching the ground and with the legs bent. From here, with the arms forming an angle of 90 degrees and the elbows touching the ground, we will exert force to raise the trunk from the ground. The renegade row it is a very important exercise since it works the entire back as a whole. In an abdominal plank position, with your arms outstretched and your palms touching the ground, bring your elbows back on both sides of your body. In fact, this exercise also works your abs and shoulders at the same time. Finally, the dolphin push-ups are a secondary exercise where the back is also affected. Although they are intended to train abs, arms and shoulders, they are also an excellent movement to work the entire upper part of the back by placing ourselves in an inverted “V” position, facing the ground and with the forearms resting on the ground and starting from here the corresponding movement.

To all these you can add lateral elevations of the shoulders, where the back is also involved and even squats or hip abductions. All these exercises can be performed without the need for machines or dumbbells or any kind. Only the weight and strength of our body is necessary. Therefore, given the impossibility of going to the gym for any reason, be it economic or operational, there is no longer an excuse to continue training. Make yourself comfortable in your own home and achieve your goals by doing back exercises at home in total luxury and comfort.

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