Strength Exercises – How To Do Strength Exercises

Sometimes, people do not have the necessary time or the economy to be able to go to a gym or classes that are taught in centers, so they have to resort to doing them at home. In recent years, exercise machines do not have the high cost that they used to have, in addition to the fact that you can always resort to objects found in your own home without having to spend anything to practice sports.

In this case, to carry out strength exercises we can resort to a chair, a table, water bottles, even packets of vegetables, which will entail greater neuromuscular stimulation than performing similar movements on a stable and guided surface, with the gym machines. When performing strength exercises, they will work; balance, mobility, coordination, kinesthetic awareness and stability.

To carry out a session of strength exercises, a previous warm-up must be carried out, it can be doing ten minutes on a stationary bicycle, running barefoot or running through the garden or around the house, jumping rope, any of these exercises, they serve to warm up your muscles and activate you. Next, you have to stretch, both static and dynamic, after that, you could start the session.

It begins with toning exercises, lumbar, gluteal, abdominal, transverse, all of them from the central part, then continues with the more peripheral areas; the pectoral, dorsal, shoulders, elevators, and can be analyzed with the most spacious movements, that is, much more dynamic exercises, such as squats, going up to the bench, arms, jumps and ankles. The volume and intensity should vary according to the level of each person

Types of strength exercises and how to perform them step by step

Basic Bicep Curls

Grab two dumbbells, hands facing forward. He begins by bending his left arm, raising the dumbbell and after holding it for a few seconds, slowly lowers it. After doing it with that arm, he starts with the right arm, exactly the same. You can do it in 2 sets of 10 repetitions each.

Alternate Bicep Curls

Stand tall and hold two dumbbells in your hands at your sides, with your wrists facing each other. Start by lifting a dumbbell until it is practically attached to your shoulder, hold it for a few seconds and slowly lower it. Try not to shift or round your spine when lifting weights. You can do it in 2 sets of 12 repetitions each.

Inner Bicep Curls

Stand tall and hold two dumbbells in your hands at your sides, with your wrists facing each other. Start by lifting the two dumbbells until they are practically attached to your shoulders, hold them for a few seconds and slowly lower them. Try to keep your spine straight and not round it as you lift the weights. You can do it in 2 sets of 10 repetitions each.

Hammer push ups

Grab two dumbbells, one on each side of your body, with your wrists facing your hips. He starts by raising both dumbbells at the same time, bending at the elbows, hold for a few seconds and lower slowly. The upper part of the arms must remain immobile while you perform the exercise. You can do it in 2 sets of 13 repetitions each.

Alternate Seated Bicep Curls

Sit on a bench or chair; grab two dumbbells, one on each side of your body, with your wrists facing each other. Raise a dumbbell until it’s almost at your shoulder, hold it for several seconds, and lower it slowly. Then repeat the exercise with the other arm. Try not to move or move your back, so as not to cause pain or injury during the exercise. You can do it in 2 sets of 8 reps each.

Seated Bicep Curls

Get on top of a bench and grab two dumbbells, at your sides, with your hands facing each other. Start by raising both hands at the same time, until the dumbbells are almost attached to your shoulders, hold them for a few seconds in that position and then slowly lower them. Try not to displace your spine to avoid injury. You can do it in 2 sets of 12 repetitions each.

Incline Bicep Curls, Alternate

Sit on top of an incline bench and grab two dumbbells at your sides with your hands facing each other. Start by lifting one of the dumbbells, until it is close to your shoulder, hold it there for a few seconds and slowly lower it, then do the same with the other arm. Try not to shift or round your spine during the exercise. You can do it in 2 sets of 13 repetitions each.

Incline Bicep Curls

Sit on an incline bench and hold two dumbbells, hands facing each other. Raise the two dumbbells until they are almost touching your shoulders, hold them in that position for a few seconds, and then slowly lower them. Try not to move your spine during the exercise. You can do it in 2 sets of 10 repetitions each.

Concentrated Bicep Curls

Stand behind an incline bench, and place one elbow on the back of the bench while holding a dumbbell, wrist facing towards you. Raise that dumbbell until it’s almost at your shoulder, hold it for a few seconds, and lower it slowly. The upper part of the arm has to be immobile. You can do it in 2 sets of 12 repetitions each.

Seated Concentrated Pushups

Sit on top of a bench; put an elbow on one of your thighs. She takes another dumbbell with her other hand, and places her arm between her two legs. Raise your arm until it is practically attached to your shoulder, and after holding it in that position for a few seconds, slowly lower it. Repeat the same with the other arm. Try to keep your spine still, to avoid injury. You can do it in 2 sets of 10 repetitions each.

Seated Isolated Dumbbell Curls

Sit on one side of the bench, grab a dumbbell and put the straight arm of that same hand hanging in front of your bent leg. Start by raising the dumbbell until it reaches your shoulder, hold it for a few seconds and lower it slowly. Continue with the other arm repeating the same. Try not to shift your spine when you lift the weights. You can do it in 2 sets of 13 repetitions each.

Bicep Curls – Scott (Supinator Grip)

Start by resting both elbows on the pad of the machine, you must form a right angle with your arms, when you flex them. He grabs two dumbbells, wrist facing the ceiling. He raises one arm first and then the other, they should not coincide, if one goes up the other goes down, you must vary them. Hold them up for a few seconds and lower them slowly. Try to keep your spine straight to avoid injury. You can do it in 2 sets of 12 repetitions each.

Bicep Curls – Scott

Position the tops of both arms on the pad of the machine; they should form a right angle when bending. Grab two dumbbells with your wrists facing each other. Start by raising one arm until it reaches your shoulder, hold it for a few seconds and slowly lower it, do the same with the other arm, but you should not raise them at the same time, but alternately, first one and then the other. Try to keep your spine straight during the exercise. You can do it in 2 sets of 10 repetitions each.

Bench Alternate Bicep Curls

Lie face down on a bench, and grab two dumbbells, you must let your arms hang in a straight line. Start by lifting one of the dumbbells until it is almost against your shoulder, hold it for a few seconds and slowly lower it. Then do the same with the other arm. You must keep your spine straight during the exercise. You can do it in 2 sets of 14 repetitions each.

Supinator Bicep Curls,

Lie on your back on a bench, grab two dumbbells, one on each side of your body, and hang your arms below the bench, wrists facing the ceiling. Start by raising both dumbbells until they reach the sides of your hips, hold them for a few seconds and slowly lower them. Breathe in whenever you raise the weights and let it out when you lower them. You can do it in 2 sets of 10 repetitions each.

Lying Triceps Extensions

Lie on a bench with your back against it, and grab two dumbbells, with your hands facing the ceiling as well as your forearms. She starts by raising both dumbbells, straightening her arms, holding them for a few seconds and slowly lowering them. You can do it in 2 sets of 8 reps each.

Bench Press for Triceps

Get on a bench with your back against it; grab two dumbbells, one on each side of your hips, wrists facing each other. Raise your arms until they are straight, hold for a few seconds and slowly lower them. Take a breath when you raise your hands and release it when you lower them. You can do it in 2 sets of 10 repetitions each.

360º support

Lie in profile on a mat or mat, and support yourself only on the left arm and on the left leg, both must be fully extended, in a straight line. You can’t support any more limbs. Try to hold 10 seconds and change. Face the wall, and this time lean on your right arm and right leg, and try to hold that position for another 10 seconds. Always remember the arm and leg fully extended. Then do it with both arms and both legs supported, first with the body looking up, and then with the body looking down. Hold in each position for 10 seconds.

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