Yoga Exercises – How To Do Yoga Exercises

Yoga more than a sport is a discipline, which was born thousands of years ago in India. Its first and main practitioners were the followers of Hinduism, who used it as a form and mechanism of meditation. Nowadays, Yoga is practiced by millions of people all over the world, in search of reaching a higher state in the control of their body and mind.

The benefits of yoga are many, from weight loss, improvement in muscle elasticity and tone, to others, considered by many as the most important and that are related to inner peace, tranquility and balance of the mind with our body, increasing our energy and even strengthening our body’s immune system.

There are different types of Yoga, nine in total, all originating from what is known as the Tree of Yoga. Each one has its characteristics and adapts to the objectives of each practitioner, in terms of his spiritual search for him and the areas of his body that he wishes to strengthen. It is possible to practice them separately or in variations of two or more types, together and alternately. Whoever is chosen, they all reach the same goal, that point of balance between body and mind, through meditation and the repetition of mantras or chants that bring you closer to a state of encounter with your inner self.

The types of Yoga are: Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Jape Yoga, Janna Yoga, Karma Yoga, Tanta Yoga, Lay Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karina Yoga, Sahara Yoga, Ansari Yoga, Kraal Yoga and Aerial Yoga. Each of them differs basically in the fundamentals of their spiritual quest. From devotion to a Guru or God to the practice of tantric philosophy, the encounter of absolute and true knowledge and control over our energy centers.

Physically, it also produces positive effects such as increased elasticity and muscle tonebreathing, strength, energy, posture, all aspects that translate into a substantial improvement in our health.

One of the characteristics of this discipline is that it requires very few accessories to perform it and even with the right conditions it can be done in our own home. Age is not a limitation either, since there is even Yoga for children, very beneficial for children who have difficulties in their concentration and even in their behavior. The elderly can also practice it, adapting the postures to their physical possibilities.

The different “asana” or postures in Yoga are very diverse and according to Pat Anjali, who is considered a master in this discipline, they should not only be practiced, but repeated, until reaching the absolute balance and the degree of concentration expected during practice. Names such as La Sill, La Vela, El Guerrero, El Piz, La Vasa and the very emblematic Greeting to the Sun, are some of the best known “asana”; and although each one has its degree of difficulty, there are variants of each of them that adapt to the physical condition of each practitioner.

Deeply spiritual, today Yoga is considered one of the most effective disciplines for those who want to change their lives. For its followers, it represents the way to find themselves and improve their ability to relate to their environment and even more so with our inner being. Only the provision is necessary.

What do you need for Yoga Exercises – Do Yoga Exercises?

  • Motivation and desire to discover the benefits of practicing this discipline.
  • Concentration and calm. Remember that it is a moment in which you will meet your inner self.
  • A ventilated space free of objects that can hinder your movements. It does not matter that it is small, but it is quiet and away from distractions.
  •  Comfortable, loose clothing and preferably fabrics that give you elasticity. No socks or shoes, even if they are sports shoes, they are not recommended. The silver of your feet must be in contact with the ground.
  • A towel, blanket or mat that allows you to perform the movements with greater comfort and stability, in order to avoid possible slips.
  • In specialized stores you can buy accessories for the practice of Yoga, such as belts or pillows, although initially they are not essential.

Instructions for Yoga Exercises – Doing Yoga Exercises

  1. Dress in the right clothes and have all the necessary accessories at hand to avoid distractions. If you decide to do Yoga in your own home, you should keep your phone away or silent, turn off the television and choose a time of day in which you have the greatest tranquility and are less likely to receive unexpected visitors. Now, if you will do the practice in an Academy or specialized Center, try to respect the time and plan your commitments to maintain consistency and make the practice of this discipline part of your daily routine.
  2. Set the time you will dedicate to practice. Most yoga routines can last from 60 to 90 minutes. But if your time is limited and you only have 10 minutes a daystick to it rigorously. That largely depends on starting to feel its benefits in your body and spirit.
  3. Divide the “asana” or routines, in an orderly, sequential and systematic way. You should always try to start with a meditation and chants that help you reach high levels of concentration. Continue with the different postures in a certain order and always end with a relaxed position. Even following the order, establish some variants that allow you to maintain motivation and get away from boredom.
  4. It starts from the easy to the most difficult, in this way you will be able to train your body and your mind in the process of adapting to the practice of this ancient discipline, demanding yourself, but with rationality. If you do it in excess, you will most likely end up getting bored or worse, completely so. At first, the muscular work of the practice of any discipline can cause some momentary discomfort, but doing it uncontrollably could cause damage and injury. And nothing is further from our real goal.

Tips for Yoga Exercises – Doing Yoga Exercises

  • Before starting your first Yoga practice or class at home or at an academy, research the discipline. What are its benefits and what do you need to start, especially if it is the first time you will enter its practice. Documenting yourself about it will allow you to understand what it consists of and what will be the changes that you will progressively achieve in your body and in your mind. Ignorance generates uncertainty and the possibility that you get tired, perhaps not seeing the results as quickly as you expected. Do not forget that perseverance is the key to success.
  • Find out what type of Yoga suits your needs and abilities. If you start practicing a style of Yoga that is too physically demanding and you have not yet reached that stage, frustration will knock on your door and you will most likely give up. There is Yoga for everyone, identify which one is yours.
  • That not having the latest trend in clothing for Yoga is not a limitation. With a comfortable outfit to start will be enough. When you begin to enjoy the benefits of the practice, you will realize that what you use is not the most important thing, but what Yoga is capable of doing in you.
  • Eliminate the word “I can’t” from your vocabulary. At first you may find certain postures, bridges, push-ups and elevations difficult to achieve, but do not be discouraged in continuing to try. Sets increasingly higher levels of mental and physical demand; when you least realize it, you will be amazed at the results in terms of your elasticity, balance and strength, as well as your ability to concentrate and calm your mind.

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