Keel – What Are Keel Exercises and How Are They Done?

Have you ever wondered what Keel exercises are and how they are done? Well, these exercises are specially structured to exercise tone and strengthen the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor or pub coccygeal muscles, which are responsible for supporting organs such as the uterus, bladder, and vagina and part of the intestine, and in the case of men, have a direct relationship with the prolongation of erections.

Sometimes we focus so much on improving our physical appearance by toning other parts of our body or losing weight, that we forget about other parts of our body whose muscles also require constant and careful stimulation. This happens especially with the pub coccygeal muscles, since there is not much awareness of the importance of these muscles in our body throughout our lives.

The worst of all is that there are daily actions that we could be exercising and that without realizing it are damaging our pelvic floor. Actions that range from carrying out relatively common activities, to the simple fact of exercising rigorously in the gym. That is why it is very important that you find out everything in relation to these muscles, their functionalities and the care that we must have and specify with them.

When these muscles are not exercised or weakened, several organic disorders can occur, ranging from increased proportion to uterine and vaginal prolapses, partial loss of erection, less prolonged erections, lack of support in the small intestine, involuntary leakage of feces, urinary incontinence, and other conditions that are generated with the passage of age or when these muscles lose tone.

That is why it is of the utmost importance to take care of these muscles and strengthen them. For this there are various exercises and special procedures whose objective is to improve the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. Sometimes training these muscles in time can help us avoid the need for future surgery one day, since we will be preventing much of the damage that we can still avoid, such as unnecessary wear and tear and weakening of these muscles.

There are many products on the pharmaceutical market such as pharmacy Chinese balls and other products that help us take care of this area, there is even a wide range of exercises that we can do at home, including hypopressive exercises and Keel exercises. In order to improve your health, here we will tell you what Keel exercises are and how they are done so that you can improve the tone of your muscles and avoid future damage, as well as correct those that are possibly already being generated silently in your body.


  1. What are Keel exercises? In the middle of the 20th century, the gynecologist Arnold Keel invented what is now known as a Keel perineometer, a device whose usefulness serves to improve the muscles of the pelvic floor as well as to measure their strength. This same doctor was the one who invented today the way we know to train the pelvic floor; these exercises are called Keel exercises. These types of exercises seek to improve the quality of the muscles of the perineum as well as correct, as much as possible, damage that has been done in this area.
  2. What is the use of doing this type of exercise? When we regularly do Keel exercises, we are stimulating a significant number of muscles that unfortunately usually do not receive enough stimulation to stay toned and firm. It is very important to keep the pelvic floor toned because both due to age and other types of activities, the muscles weaken and this can cause serious health problems. Especially after a pregnancy these muscles lose strength and gain flaccidity. This happens both to people who have had children by natural birth, as well as to those who have had them by cesarean section, because the weight of the baby and during the development of pregnancy makes our lower abdominal organs go down even more. In many cases, women recover from this naturally, but in others it is necessary to resort to therapies and exercises in order to speed up recovery.
  3. What benefits do I get by doing they? When we do this type of exercise, we are stimulating our muscles, allowing them to become firmer and more toned. This helps us support our internal organs that are located in the lower part of our abdomen which are supported by the muscles below our pelvis. These exercises are good for correcting and preventing urinary or excretory incontinence problems, improving the firmness of the organs after childbirth, providing greater support to the uterus, preventing the appearance of uterine or vaginal prolapses, supporting our small intestine and avoiding the weakening of the right. In the case of men, it helps prevent flaccidity of the rectal muscles as well as improve the quality and duration of erections.
  4. How should I do them? It is very important to know how to perform Keel exercises correctly to obtain the best possible benefits, and avoid any kind of damage or harm that we can acquire if we do not do it well. There is really no great science that we must follow to be able to perform Keel exercises, these exercises consist of contracting and resting the muscles of the pelvic floor. An easy way to identify which are these muscles in the case of women is to consider that they are the muscles that we contract when we want to stop the flow of urine, on the other hand in the case of men, they are the muscles that contract when they try to have a voluntary erection. A fairly simple routine to start with this type of exercise is to lie down with your legs slightly bent towards the front, with your knees up. We will contract our muscles for 3 seconds, then release for 5 and repeat until we do it for 3 minutes. If you are more advanced you can contract for 5 seconds and release for 5 seconds. The idea is to get better muscle tone progressively.
  5. What postures should I adopt? Surely it will be easier to perform these exercises if you are lying down or lying down, or if you are sitting. However, it is better to do it lying down, because that way our body is at rest and it is easier to perform the contractions. In the case of beginners it is better not to demand too much from the body. You can do a contraction for two or three seconds and let your body rest for other five or ten seconds. Remember that the muscles have to be contracted, you do not have to force your muscles out, because then instead of toning your muscles inward, you could end up lowering your pelvic floor, which is very harmful.
  6. What things should I take into account before exercising my pelvic floor? Both to avoid tiring our organs and to avoid introducing harmful organisms into our body, it is preferable to perform these exercises after having emptied our bladder. This way we will avoid involuntary leaks of urine. It is even good to do them after having digested, because that way we also avoid leaking feces and it will be more relaxing and easier to manage our pelvic floor.
  7. How often should I practice them? These types of exercises can be done every day; however they should not be done all the time or in excess, because if we do this, possibly instead of strengthening our muscles, we will be wearing them down and weakening them, achieving the opposite effect to what we want. Ideally, do it every day for no more than ten minutes or so. You can do these exercises for 3 minutes every other day if you are a beginner. If you are already advanced you can do them for 5 minutes a day. If you want to do 10 minutes or more, we recommend skipping a day per session to avoid overexerting your pelvic floor.
  8. Are there risks or side effects? As long as your exercises are performed in moderation, and following guidelines and times appropriate to our needs, there is really no greater risk, however, all kinds of excess must be avoided.

What do you need

  • Research a Keel exercise routine
  • Be consistent in training
  • stay hydrated


  • There are some conventional exercises that can contribute to weakening the pelvic floor. If what we really want is to strengthen our muscles in this area of ​​​​the body, it is preferable to avoid exercise routines where you have to carry a lot of weight while standing or sitting, it is even advisable to avoid push-ups with the abdomen if our pelvic floor is weak, since this may contribute to further weakening it.

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