How to Run

Going for a run has always been a rewarding sport and activity, in addition to being one of the cheapest sports that exist since you only need to get some sneakers and that’s it! In addition, nowadays it has become very fashionable to go running to keep fit and even in the hope of losing weight.

Running is a high-impact aerobic sport. This means that with it we will work our entire body, its resistance and endurance, and that while we practice it our body supports the impact it suffers when we repeatedly plant our feet on the ground while we are in movement.


On the other hand, running is fantastic for toning muscles, losing weight, relieving stress, relaxing, and improving lung capacity, among other positive factors. You will see how in a short time you will be able to run more distances and your physical resistance will be greater.

If you want to start running and you don’t know how to do it, in this article we are going to give you all the keys so that you learn how to run correctly, because like everything else, this activity also has some key points.

What do you need

Really, to run you would only need to put on comfortable clothes (such as shorts and a t-shirt) and some sneakers that you have at home, it does not matter if they are even old, as simple as that.

However, in the market there is a great offer of products for runners (runners). Starting with the shoes, we can find specific running shoes, these have been designed to provide better support and comfort for the feet, and you can find them in many brands, colors and prices. On the other hand, you can also find specific sports and running clothing, such as leggings and running pants, antiperspirant shirts, supports for your mobile phone or your music device, etc.

Despite all this, I recommend that you do not invest money in any of this until you have tried the sport and have practiced it for a few days, until you are completely clear that you want to continue doing it.

Start running

If you want to start running then just do it. Get dressed, leave the house and start running. Running on the sidewalk, through a park, through the field, wherever you want! You have many possibilities at your fingertips, you just have to go out and move, this is a great advantage of going for a run that you can do it anywhere without having to go to the gym or reserve a track, court or pool.

At first you may feel weird because of the movements. You will notice how your heart speeds up and you begin to feel short of breath so you will breathe many times and quickly, and you may also notice how your legs begin to burn. Don’t worry if you can’t run for a long time at first, beginners usually last 5-10 minutes the first few days of running. But don’t worry because the more you run, the longer you’ll last and the better you’ll feel.


Before going for a run it is recommended that you warm up first, it will only take a few minutes and thanks to this you can avoid some injuries. Do some exercises to prepare your joints. Especially focus on the legs and waist, but also do exercises to prepare the whole body.

How to run properly

Let’s see how to run correctly to avoid injuries, accidents and you can enjoy this rewarding sport. To start you must be relaxed, especially the whole body, and start jogging as normal.

  • Boost your arms. The arms are always flexed starting at a 90 degree flexion, and you will notice how the normal rhythm makes them move, let them push you.
  • Keep your body straight but leaning forward a bit. Your body, especially the shoulders, must be relaxed and allow mobility, if you stay rigid you will not run as fast and you will not feel as good running. You must also center your weight.
  • You must not bounce; if you do your body will suffer a lot, especially your knees and other joints. Run stepping lightly, not hard.
  • Adapt your step. Each person bases the foot in a different way, so you must find the footprint that best suits you. Recent tests have concluded that each person’s footprint is personal and natural, so it should not be modified. You must keep in mind that the more force you put on the front of the foot, the faster you will run.

How to breathe

As for the breathing technique, the experts do not agree. Some recommend breathing naturally, while others prefer to focus on a specific technique. Some recommend the technique of inhaling oxygen through the nose, taking in as much air as possible so that the lungs expand as much as possible, and then exhaling through the mouth, keeping it completely open. This technique focuses on the nose being the best possible air filter to avoid accidentally inhaling bugs, and clean the air a bit before they reach your lungs. When you exhale through your mouth, you release more carbon dioxide and heat with less effort.


After going out for a run, when you finish or when you get home, you should stretch your muscles in this way you will feel better and it will be beneficial for your muscles. Stretching your muscles before running is a controversial topic, while stretching after running is an accepted topic and its benefits have been claimed.

You should stretch all your muscles, but above all you should focus on stretching your legs. You should hold the exercise positions for 10-20 seconds without bouncing.

Some stretching exercises can be these:

  • Stand in front of a wall, wall, or something firm that allows you to lean towards it supporting your hands on it. Bring one leg forward by bending the knee. You should feel your leg muscles stretch. Do the exercise with each leg.
    Leaning against the wall as before and keeping your legs together, lean forward to stretch your legs.
  • Another exercise is to bend your knee and bring your foot back as close to your buttock as you can. If you prefer, you can grab your foot with your hands to bring the foot as close to the buttock as possible. Hold the position for 15 seconds. And do it with both legs alternately. With this exercise you will notice how your thigh stretches. You can stretch your thighs with an exercise that doesn’t put as much stress on the tendons in your knees. You just have to take a stride forward bending your knees. Rest your hands on it and slightly lower your body. Hold the pose for 20 seconds.
  • Now find a table, railing, or surface that allows you to lift one leg at a time and rest it there. Keep your leg completely straight. With this exercise we are going to stretch the entire back of the legs.

Plan your routine

Consider how many days a week you are going to go running, at what time and for how long. Keep in mind that you will not achieve anything by going out just one day a week; instead it is best to go running three times a week, leaving a rest day in between, so you will give your body time to fully recover from the effort from the day before. You should go running those days without excuses, no matter if it’s cold, hot or rainy, dress appropriately and go out.

On the other hand, remember that before going for a run you should eat lightly, and you should also make sure that you are well hydrated.

Also plan how far you want to run and for how long. You will start running a short distance or a short time, but little by little you will be able to improve your personal brand. In addition, you must push yourself to improve those times and distances, they will be your challenges and the ones that will drive you to keep running. At first you may need to alternate periods of running and walking. Run as much as you can, when you see that you can’t go on any longer, slow down slowly and continue walking until you see that you have quite recovered your breath. Then pick up the pace again and run as long and as far as you can. You will see how little the running times will be greater than the walking times until you finally manage to run for the full time.

It is also recommended that you do speed races. Race at top speed for short periods of time. These exercises will provide you with greater resistance and will also strengthen and shape your muscles. Start by running as fast as you can for a distance of 400 meters. Repeat these races between 4 and 6 times. As you endure more and your resistance is better, you can always add more distance in segments of 400 meters that is, run at maximum speed in 800 meters or in 1200 meters. Every day try to improve your marks and cover the same distance in the shortest possible time, so you will have objectives and goals to achieve every day, which will encourage you to improve yourself and continue in this sport. You can also take advantage of downtime to go for a run, so you will take advantage of the time and you will also be exercising. For example, if at noon you have between 1 and 2 hours free to eat and it is not worth going home because it is a bit far away, you can take advantage of that time and go for a run. If you are worried about not being able to take a shower, you can always take a towel and cleaning water with you, this way you can clean up a bit before continuing with your work. You could also use the bathroom at work a little before your start time.

You can also plan the routes you are going to take, especially if you decide to go running in the countryside or in the mountains. On the other hand, many people who run around the city or in a park prefer to let themselves go. The good thing in any case is to have two or three different routes or places to run in mind, so it will not become monotonous and you will not lose interest. In addition, you can always carry a backpack with your sportswear in the car in case you feel like going for a run right after work, without having to go home, or if you feel lazy to go home because you know it will cost you later. Go for a run.

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