How to Play Football Alone

Football is a universal sport and the favorite of the Spanish. Who, mostly children, has not played as a child in the schoolyard, at the school exit, or in the home square after snack? Soccer is a team sport, but what happens when there is no one to play with?

With a little imagination you can play this sport alone. First you can do a little warm-up, then go on to play and finally stretch to avoid future injuries. We can divide the game into 60 minutes: 10 warm-ups, 5 stretches and 45 minutes of pure play.

Put on your best soccer gear and get ready to play a solo team sport.

Instructions to play soccer alone


  1. Run about 5-10 minutes to activate your heart.
  2. Do a few push-ups.


  1. Touches. Then the first thing is to prepare the body for the exercise, so start by giving a few touches to the ball. First try with the foot, and then go up to the knee, even if you can, with the head
  2. Cone race. When soccer players train they have some obstacles to overcome. The coach puts cones on them in a zigzag and they have to carry the ball from one end to the other without stopping. When playing alone you will probably do it in a space not enabled for it and therefore that does not have cones, therefore they can put any object that is visible. You can try with bottles of water (filled so that they weigh and do not fall with the friction), with a small book or with balls of paper.
  3. To the wall. Since there is no other player who can pass the ball to you, use a wall. Start with a distance and you shorten it until you are further and further away. Throw the ball towards the wall, where it will bounce and you will have to throw it again. The difficulty will increase the further you are from the wall, since the path of the ball may not be straight and require more attention on your part.
  4. Create a goal. Once the wall is dominated, now invent a goal. A place that delimits the space in which you score a goal. If you were playing on the wall, you can use two stones to mark, more or less, what a ruled goal would measure, and thus you get an idea of ​​when you would score a goal.
  5. Be the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper is also a player and that may be the role you want to play. In this case he uses the wall in the same way as to send the ball but this time to receive it. You have to throw it hard so it bounces and you can stop it.
  6. Put up obstacles. In a normal game there are obstacles that make it difficult for us to reach our goal, which is the opposite goal. Therefore, take a few objects, they can be stones, balls of paper or bottles of water, and distribute them around the space in which you are playing. These objects will act as players, some from the opposing team and others from your own. What you have to do is try to get to your goal avoiding the opponents, which in this case would be without touching them or moving them from the place where you have placed them.
  7. Outside the facilities. Now that you are alone you can play and improve at the same time. All players have a less skillful side, if you are right-handed the left and vice versa. On this occasion that there is no one to play with, take advantage and that your weakest extremities. With it when you play a match with more people, your two sides will be more or less balanced.
  8. Set the space. Whether you play in a yard, in the park or wherever you can, create the space. Imagine that you are in a real game. You can download music and a sound for the end of the first half and the end of the match. You will believe that you are in a real training and you will try harder to improve yourself. In the same way, it is convenient that you wear sports clothes and if it is a better soccer kit.


  1. Upper part. When you finish playing it is very important that you stretch. Start with your upper body: arms, wrists, neck…
  2. Do not forget the hip, the feet and especially the legs.

Tips for playing soccer alone

  • Imagination. Having neither opponents nor a team, it is difficult to think that in a real match there will be obstacles. For this reason it is important that you imagine them and that you put the more difficulties, the better. The more balls of paper or stones you put while playing, the easier it will be for you to think that in a match it will not be so easy.
  • Train your mistakes. Maybe you are better at being a striker or maybe a goalkeeper or a midfielder. Think about which one you are the worst at and train from that position. So when there is a game you will have already trained in worse conditions and it will be easier.

What do you need to play football alone?

  • ball
  • Objects to make obstacles
  • Objects to create a goal
  • imagination
  • sportswear

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