How to Climb Mountains

Within adventure sports, is climbing, also called mountaineering? It is considered by many to be “extremely risky”, as it involves some difficulty, and to carry it out you have to use strength, resistance and sacrifice. It also requires great mental and physical preparation, because many things can happen on a mountain, which are not always expected, and you have to train properly to know how to deal with them.

The danger of this type of sport is largely due to the lack of planning, the weather conditions, the ice, the situation of the terrain, which can lead to injuries, even death. Therefore, maximum caution is necessary and certain training, which is acquired with practice. Despite everything, it also has its good side, as it is an exciting challenge, in which the gratification is maximum if the desired goal or objective is achieved, which is usually to reach the top.

It is essential that we carry out a series of steps, which we must not skip, under any circumstances, especially if it is the first time that we want to climb a mountain or mountain range.


We must read, and inform ourselves well, of everything that climbing implies, for this, we can read on the internet, either in forums, where people write their questions and others answer them, or by going to a library and buying specific manuals on this type of sport.

View DVDs, in which we can see how the experiences of different mountaineers have been, and experts, who can give us key advice, that will help us.

We have to find out, how the mountains that we would like to be climb, both in our country and abroad. What are the best seasons to climb them, the possible weather conditions that may arise, and learn to predict them, once we are already on the mountain? It is important to know that microclimates exist, which are climatic systems that the mountains themselves create.

The weather is a very broad subject that requires a lot of study, to know how to read it, know the clouds, the direction of the wind, know if a big storm is coming, and know how to act before possible lightning strikes that force us to stop and take refuge.

Carry out physical preparation

We must carry out a physical preparation, whenever we have planned a climb, because mountaineering is a very demanding sport, which requires a lot of resistance, which must be worked on, and training is the best way to prepare the heart, the muscles and joints, thus we will strengthen them and it will be of great benefit to us, for the moment in which we have to climb the mountain.

  • We can walk, jog or run, alternating throughout the week, carrying a weighted backpack to get used to it.
  •  Hiking, we can practice it gradually, from less to greater intensity, as the trip approaches.
  • Mountaineering by prefabricated walls, climbing on ice and glacier, skiing or snowboarding.
  • In short, any sport that works on strength and endurance, which are the qualities necessary to carry out climbing.

Mental preparation

Much of the challenge of completing the climb, and not giving up, lies in the mental attitude, which must be strong and positive, since it is necessary to make assessments and make decisions in the face of possible weather conditions, make changes of direction, if they are necessary, make sounds, and above all to feel safe.

It is important to keep your mind calm, clear, have calm thoughts, and have lucidity, which allows us to face the adventure in the best way.

It is not good to be too confident, because it is better to be cautious, and preventive, and remain attentive to everything that happens around us.

Get a good team

The equipment that we must carry while we climb is very specific and essential, and of high cost, that is why we can choose to rent it, or buy it. If we decide to rent it, we have to take into account that the elements that they lend us will be worn out, and may not offer us the security that we want. However, there are places where these second-hand products can be found with good quality. On the contrary, if we decide to buy them, it is necessary that we make a good list of everything we need, and do not miss anything.

The backpack usually gives certain problems due to its excessive weight that is why we must do different tests, until we find a way to carry the essentials, without going overboard.

Medicines, ointments, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, enough water, nutritious snacks, cereal bars, nuts, flashlights, batteries, are very important elements that we must not forget.

Learn to climb

To perform mountain climbing, it is essential that we receive basic training before doing the sport. Most of it is learned with practice, but for the first time we practice it, it is necessary to sign up for a mountain club that gives us a specialized course, in skills such as:

  • Learn to walk on ice.
  • Use the camporees and how to put them on.
  • Use the ice ax to climb on the ice.
  • Perform training, before possible avalanches.
  • Techniques of descent slide with the axe.
  • Climbing techniques and skills, such as knowing how to find routes, read maps, use wedges, bolts, and pitons, make good knots and handle the rope correctly.
  • Techniques to cross crack, how to perform the rescue in those same cracks, or learn to cross snow bridges.
  • Basic first aid techniques and how to perform rescue signals.

Find a good guide

Within the climbing or mountaineering club, we can ask for a guide, who has a good reputation and can advise us. He must give us confidence, to feel comfortable and teach us the necessary skills, in an entertaining and fun way.

His experience will help us to tell us about his adventures and warn us about the possible difficulties that we can find, and also about the beauty that we can find once we reach the top.

Climbing clubs usually give good training on the most difficult mountains, so if we want to move forward and progress, until we are true experts, we can find the solution in them.

Prepare well for the trip

If the mountain we plan to climb is close to where we live, everything will be easier, however, if it is abroad or quite far from our home, it is important to book the plane flight and accommodation in time, know the equipment limits, the vaccinations we have to get, the weather, knowing if we need safety permits that are required to climb certain mountains, and if so, to obtain them.

Know the way up the mountain

Normally, a base camp is taken as a starting point for climbing, in which we can take refuge in case of adverse weather situations, to climb the mountain. If we have to spend more time than it should in it, we can squeeze and take advantage of that time, checking luggage, accessories, food, reviewing and reviewing the route map, and try to memorize it, to orient ourselves correctly. Search in it, alternative routes that are necessary, along the way, as well as emergency exits in case any inconvenience arises and know how to solve it easily.

We can also train, in some space that we find, stretching, walking, and some resistance. It is very important to eat properly, to have energy and feel strong, because the journey is hard, and you have to be well prepared.


The climb is done very early, in the morning, in this way we ensure that we will have time to return, that is, go up and down the mountain, before it gets dark, or if we decide to sleep on it, get to the shelter, before dark.

You have to have a good breakfast, be accompanied by a good guide, or someone who accompanies us and has experience in the sport, it is not recommended that the entire group that is going to make the climb be beginners.

We have to put into practice all the techniques and skills, that we have learned, before we get to there. We must follow the marked route, following the advice of the guide; we must take certain breaks, to eat energy foods. It is not good that we are static for too long, because we can get cold. You have to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.

In addition to being attentive and cautious, we must enjoy the activity, see the landscape offered by the heights, and feel proud of the work we are doing.

Mountain descent

It is one of the most complicated and dangerous parts, this is usually the moment where injuries, falls and blows occur. Tiredness is the cause that causes problems that are why it is important that we are attentive, concentrated, and finds good points of support, while we climb and climb down, we must be very careful with the rappel, and have well tied and secured rope.

We do not have to be pessimistic, but we do have to keep in mind possible rock breaks, weak snow that may fall and an avalanche in very extreme cases.

Following these tips, we can enjoy the adventure, admiring nature, breathing fresh air, and finding peace that other places do not give us.

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