How to Use Treadmills

The first benefit of treadmills is that you can start using them regardless of your age, and you can thus begin physical activity by walking on it. Another benefit is that this walking (or running) exercise can be done at a gym or, if you buy a treadmill, at home. The good thing about doing this activity at home is that in the meantime you can play the music that you like the most and that encourages you in this activity, you can also watch television and even watch and take care of your children if you have them.

These machines have several speed options and if you are starting with this exercise you must be careful. For this reason, here we are going to give you some guidelines so that you know how to use treadmills and thus get a good start in this activity that is good for your health since it improves your cardiovascular system and your physical fitness.

What do you need to use treadmills?

  • Treadmill, water, sports clothing.
  • Effort and will.

Instructions for using treadmills

It is recommended for beginners in this activity that in their first days they set the speed options of the machine at an easy pace of between 5 and 7 km/hour, which will be like a more or less fast walk. As time goes by you will be able to add more speed to the activity and more duration of time. It is a progressive work; you should not do it abruptly because it will not be good for your health.

Some of these machines will offer you the option to incline the treadmill and it will appear that you are going uphill. This is good for when you start the activity since you will go at a walking pace and it prepares you to go for a run later.

It is important to establish the frequency with which you will exercise on the treadmill, and for this it is necessary that you follow a well-established routine because this will lead you to achieve the results. For beginners, a routine of 3 or 4 times a week for an hour is recommended and the speed as previously recommended is 5 to 7 km/hour depending on physical condition.

To preserve our health and for our comfort we will give you more recommendations so that you start well in this physical activity:

  • You should warm up each day before you start activity, such as walking slowly.
  • When walking or running you should have an upright position, looking straight ahead and with your neck straight. The shoulders should be aligned and the arms should move to the rhythm of the step you take. If you take another position it will cause you pain, discomfort or problems.
  • Then you can make combinations in which you are going to alternate minutes of walking with minutes of running. At first you will walk more minutes than you will run, and progressively you will alternate more minutes of running. This way you will acquire the exercise of running for long periods of time.
  • When you have acquired the level of running on the treadmill, you can introduce series or changes of rhythm. This will improve your average running speed. You can do sets of 200 meters and rest a minute between them, sets of 400 meters and rest a minute and a half or sets of 1 kilometer and rest two minutes between them.
  • You can then perform intensity peaks which will help you burn more fat. The rhythm that is recommended that you carry should be moderate to approximately 65% ​​of your maximum pulsations, and you can insert from time to time a sprint (maximum speed or sprint) of between 30 seconds or a minute in which the rhythm must be 85% of your maximum heart rate. This will bring you the benefit of burning fatter.
  • Do not abruptly cut the exercise, you must slow down gradually.
  • After the activity you may feel a little dizzy, which is normal?
  • It is necessary that after physical activity you stretch your muscles for a few minutes, especially those of your legs.

Tips for using treadmills

  • Respect the recommended postures to avoid pain, discomfort and accidents.
  • Wear comfortable sports clothing to exercise on the treadmill.
  • Drink water during exercise time to hydrate.
  • Create in you the habit of daily exercise for your well-being.

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