How to See the Results of Barcelona Today

Are you a football fan and you like to always be informed of everything? Are you a Barcelona fan and can’t spend a minute of the day not knowing what situation your team is in? Well don’t worry; today it is possible to find out even if you don’t have time to watch each of the matches of your favorite team.

What do you know about Barcelona? Let’s see your degree of commitment to its colors

Footboy Club Barcelona is one of the most mythical teams in our country and with the longest history and history. It was founded in 1899 and, curiously, those in charge of doing it were a group of young foreigners who loved this unique sport and lived in Barcelona. Although at first glance this data may seem curious, the explanation is very simple. Think that football is a sport that comes from the British Isles. In fact, although it is considered that it was created as such from 1863 with the founding of The Football Association, the English practiced it in their lands since the middle Ages. But let’s go back to the Barcelona of 1899. At that time, sports of British origin were beginning to have a great impact throughout Europe and, of course, football could not be less. Its impact on Spanish lands was impressive, and foreigners, especially in Barcelona, ​​received this sport with open hands.

The interracial nature of football is precisely rooted in its roots, as is its clear multi-sports vocation. Footboy Club Barcelona was born precisely at the moment when what would become, over the years, one of the most valued sports in Spain began to take root in Catalonia. We owe the honor of founding this unique Club to Joan Gramperwho promoted this association during the first 25 years of his life. Thanks to him, Footboy Club Barcelona is today one of the best teams dedicated to this sport.

What do you need to see the results of Barcelona today?

To see the results of Barcelona today we are going to need

  • to computer
  • sports newspaper or the sports section of a newspaper
  • television with built-in Teledex
  • An android phone with an internet connection
  • Really feel the colors of Barcelona

Instructions to see the results of Barcelona today

Step by step on how to see today’s results from Barcelona.

On the TV

  1. Seeing today’s results from Barcelona will be very easy for you from your television screen. You only need to connect it and go to Teledex with the remote. This is without a doubt one of the oldest ways to check the result of any match, and what’s more, it’s completely free!
  2. You can access Teledex from any channel using the button on your remote control where the words txt appear. Once you are inside the Teledex, you will only have to go with the buttons or colors indicated by the screen to the sports page.
  3. If you don’t have internet, a smartphone, you don’t like to buy newspapers or you’re just a Teledex fan, it’s one of the easiest ways to see the results and it’s available to everyone.

On sports shows and on TV news

  1. Today there are a large number of programs dedicated body and soul to this spectacular sport. You have them practically in all chains and for all tastes and colors. Two of the best are undoubtedly Deports Quarto and El chiringuito de Jug ones, both with great commentators and their own space on the Internet.
  2. If you want to consult news about Barcelona, ​​​​without a doubt, you will get it in these programs. The only caveat is that it is not only about Barcelona, ​​​​but about all the soccer teams that are on the grid at that time.
  3. In addition, all the networks include a section in their programming during the news dedicated to sports. If at that moment Barcelona has any active matches, rest assured that you will see their results and classification in the news.
  4. If you like to watch the news on the public channel, that is, on Spanish television, the hours are 6:30-8:00, 15:00-16:25 and 21:00-22:15.
  5. If you prefer the A3Media Group, Antenna 3, for example, give the news from 6:15-9:00. In the afternoons, the sports section within the news of this channel is from 3:45-4:00 pm and from 9:30-9:40 pm
  6. If you prefer the Media set Group, at Quarto you can watch the news section of the newscast from 3:15-3:45 pm and 9:00-9:20 pm


  1. If you are a lover of the written press, regardless of your political ideas, absolutely all newspapers (ABC, El Mondo, El País…) contain a section dedicated to the economy and another dedicated to sports. In it you will be able to find without a doubt the results of today’s Barcelona.
  2. In addition, there are sports newspapers where you can check the results of Barcelona. You can count, for example, with the Ace and the Brand.

Via Internet

  1. If you have Internet access, without a doubt this is one of the most feasible and up-to-date ways to get information about today’s Barcelona results. You can find thousands of pages dedicated to your favorite team where you can review their latest results.
  2. If you directly type in the Google search engine «results of Barcelona today» you will see that the search engine can find up to 28,100,000 results in just 0.50 seconds. In addition to this feat of speed and Google search, the search engine itself gives you detailed access to the last games your team has played and its position in the active classification.
  3. You can take a look at the rest of the entries that will appear by default to browse the information from a website if you like it more.

On your android phone with internet access

  1. If you spend many hours away from home but you can’t live without your computer, you can check all its results thanks to the new smartphones. Any phone, be it a Smartphone or an Apple, can be the key.
  2. You can do the search just as you do on the internet, as we explained in the previous email, but you can also download the Official Barco application to keep up to date with absolutely everything. This is your link.

Tips to see the results of Barcelona today

One last curiosity about Barcelona

If you are a true lover of Barcelona, ​​you cannot miss this book Born to botherA century of grievances between Madrid and Barco, published by the Martinez Roca publishing house and written by Alfredo Reline. You will be able to remember some of the most succulent cases about the fierce dispute between these two teams since their first fight, which already began, nothing more and nothing less, than in 1916. An essential to understand the great competitiveness that continues even today between these two teams and what are their roots. You can consult the synopsis of this unique book at the following link by Martinez Roca.

If this book hooks you, don’t forget to consult other titles published by this same publisher and also by Alfredo Reline, who talk about this sport in general.

Do you want to know more about the birth of football?

Well, be sure to watch the film United for a Dream, by director Sebastian Grovel. It is about the true story of the English teacher Conrad Koch, who managed to introduce football to Germany during the 19th century thanks to the language classes he gave to young Germans. The film tells us how his passion for football and the attempt to make school activities for young people more interesting led him to teach them English while they practiced this unique sport. Koch managed to instill a love for this sport in his young students and, in addition, organized the first football match that was held in Germany.

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