4 Sailing Sports

Before talking about sailing sports, it is necessary to be aware of what this practice or sports discipline means or the concept of it, since it is so important that it has become an Olympic discipline and followed by many lovers of the sea

It has been part of Olympic sports for several decades and consists of finishing a distance in the shortest time possible to come out in first place or at least arrive among the first three places in a competition that takes place in the water.

It is a nautical sport because it is carried out in the water with the use of the wind, which is the engine that drives a boat thanks to the sails it has, which are usually called sailboats and also tend to reach extreme speeds.

Despite being Olympic, the sport of sailing can also be recreational when it is done without the details, rules and straightness of a competition, but enjoying the air, the sky, the water and of course the wind that drives the sail towards the desired destination.

What do you need

  • Sailboat.
  • Sailing.
  • Mast.
  • Lifejacket.
  • Sportswear.
  • Technique.
  • Tools.


Water is the main element or the protagonist of sailing sports, in addition to the boat and the sail, which is the engine that drives the boat to travel a certain distance, either for competition or simply to enjoy the fresh air.

In sailing sports, those who practice it are often called sailors and often face various environmental conditions, strategies, tools and various ways to achieve first place in a competition or when it comes to taking a ride on the water.

At present you can find a variety of shapes, sizes and also what a sail can measure, having small, medium and large sailboats, also depending on the competition to which you are going to attend, for this reason it is important to emphasize that you also usually have as a recreational practice.

This is sailing sports

  1. Sailing sailboats are boats that are propelled by a large canvas that is usually the engine that propels it through the water, overcoming a great distance to reach a destination, goal or any place desired.
  2. Sailboats can reach high speeds as well as turn quickly because they can be very light, especially when they are given a route where they must turn around, in order to reach the finish line on time.
  3. The sailors must know about navigation, competition strategies, speed in addition to the different parts in which a sailboat is divided, this in order to be able to make good time when it comes to a competition.
  4. It is important to keep in mind that special skills are required to change the sails and take advantage of the wind in favor and thus achieve the opportunity that the boat can sail fast or slow, depending on the needs of the crew.
  5. Sailing boats can be sailed both alone and with several crew members, especially in ocean regattas where a specific number of participants are required to complete the course without any problems. Sailing sports can be:
  6. The Olympic triangle is a competition that is done by teams, where the route is separated by a buoy to delimit it, also arranged in the form of a triangle, and is predisposed by the size of the participating boats.
  7. The regattas are usually done in fresh or shallow waters such as rivers or lakes, as well as the previous one marked by buoys, also using the necessary techniques and tools to be used during the route that can be long or short.
  8. In ocean regattas, the participant must get from point A to point B without help, more than anything with his knowledge, without outside support and is usually done alone, in which he must find a route that helps him get there. In the first place.
  9. Windsurfing is a sailing sport that takes place in the sea, depending on a board supported by a sail driven by the wind; generally it must be practiced in places where the wind blows with intensity.
  10. It is important to take into account that each of the terms used in this Olympic sports practice must revolve around water, sailing and boats, so a minimum of knowledge about this must be taken into account.
  11. This practice is not recent, but the discipline as a sport is, that is why it is important to know where the different sports disciplines come from and their history to take into account everything related or the importance that it teaches us to choose a discipline to practice.
  12. Despite this, in the Olympic sports there are countries that have always won gold medals in sailing sports such as the United States and the United Kingdom, but there is always a huge number of countries where Olympic Games are practiced and competed..
  13. It is important to note that on a solitary level there are countries like Denmark and Holland that have emerged among the first places for being among the most adventurous on the high seas, which is why these countries have always remained in the first places.
  14. It is important to recognize that in America, sailing has also gained great acceptance by countries, with Mexico standing out among all the others with more Olympic medalists, understanding that sailing is worldwide.
  15. Despite this, in sailing competitions a sailor who has had low points can become the winner if she is in a good position, regardless of the points obtained and having the possibility of obtaining an Olympic medal.
  16. Sailing has gained acceptance by including women and children in teams, which is why it is said to be one of the most practiced in the world, requiring navigation skills and not so much physical ones, although a minimum degree of support, cooperation and strength.
  17. The effort belongs to the team, together everyone must have the priority of carrying out their tasks in order to ensure that cooperation can be the best way to achieve what is necessary to be able to reach the finish line and achieve victory in the regattas.
  18. Sailing is a way to fully enjoy the water with speed, technique and tools as well as the necessary equipment for this, of course with the necessary knowledge for it, as long as the rules are respected.


  • Keep implements in good condition and clean so that they remain free of rust.
  • It is necessary for the crew to know what their duty is in the regatta so that a clean job can be done.
  • In the regattas everyone has their work inside the boat.
  • Knowing comes the concepts of the boat and the sports discipline.
  • Knowing how to swim as the main requirement is what you must take into account if you want to participate in the regattas.

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