Jump and Run Game

Children are always the ones who rule in a house and who have to be the center of the universe of any home, therefore it is time to talk about what they usually like the most, running and jumping where two activities are combined with which they can enjoy, have fun and have a unique time.

The running and jumping games also encourage love for sports and its different disciplines, so a comparison is made between a sport and a special game, where cooperation, companionship and friendship come together to achieve strategies that provide the triumph.

The main thing is motivation and having fun and if, in addition to all this, a way of keeping them fit, healthy and full of energy is achieved, a perfect fusion is made between each of these activities that come to be recreational.

For this reason, physical activity is a way of developing the mind and body in our children and if with this we give them disciplines so that they promote values ​​​​for life, it is a way of rewarding everything that is done with and for them..

Through games, children learn to promote competitions with which to achieve a number of attitudes that provide them with more motivation in the practice of sports disciplines that promote participation in healthy games and competitions.

What do you need

  • Weather.
  • strings
  • Scarves.
  • You gain fun.
  • The family.
  • Motivation.
  • Happiness.
  •  Comfortable shoes.
  • Sportswear.
  • Laughs.
  •  Different games.
  • Fresh air.


Running and jumping games are a way to encourage dynamism and family unity, as an excuse to get everyone together to spend unforgettable moments where the center of attraction is the smallest of the house that are the most willing to participate in everything that is proposed to them.

During the week you are usually busy with various activities, and on Saturdays and Sundays you have the chance to have some free time with your family to spend unforgettable moments while encouraging the little ones to have order and love for sports and physical activity.

Although they can also motivate themselves to play different games of jumping and running during the breaks of their school activities in educational institutions, generating in them that spirit of competitiveness, interpersonal relationships and union.

How to play running and jumping games step by step

  1. Jumping and running games are a necessary practice for the growth and development of children, who become the main protagonists of activities that include running, jumping, coordination and direction as well as reflexes.
  2. Jumping and running games are a practice that teaches children the discipline to carry out activities in different sports, both in winter and in the summer, motivating them to carry them out in order to be organized and full of vitality.
  3. The running and jumping games are not only to use the whole body but rather to make use of different accessories that help us to mobilize better during practices such as jump ropes or balls to run behind them and thus find a way to know which ball sport you like the most.
  4. Jumping and running games favor agility as well as being able to control motor skills in children, exerting force and pressure on the muscles that are developing and helping them to grow up healthier and happier.
  5. The use and teaching that can be given to these games of jumping and running will result in an opportunity to develop the intelligence, strength and dedication that can be given to the body for the practice of any sport.
  6. The benefits offered by jump and run games are many, but below we will name the most important: Promotes health; Allows you to burn energy; They sleep better; They wake up more rested; They develop strength and precision; They breathe much better; They strengthen the joints; They help to achieve speed; They promote sharing and cooperation; They develop the sense of friendship and cooperation; The use of creativity in performing jumping and running games allows for better physical and intellectual activity, developing the well-being of both the child and the person and group, who are helping them to carry out the activity.

Running and jumping games to activate children


The catch is a very old game that consists of everyone running in different directions and there is a child who has to catch each one of those who flee in terror to avoid being caught, it is very fun and many children play it.


Hide-and-seek consists of looking for a place so as not to be found by the one who has to look for it, even if it is not seen as a game of running and jumping, the precision and the search of the children for a place where they cannot be seen can cause fast runs and a smart not to get caught.

Jump the rope

With the use of a rope as a complement to the running and jumping games, this is the most imposing because it makes jumps as a rope moves that beats on the ground, as another girl or boy jumps to the rhythm of some song.

Running backwards

It is usually a fun race where the children want to reach the finish line as quickly as possible, but with the exception that many fall in the attempt to do it faster, although it helps in the coordination, direction and performance of the exercise with precision.

Sack race

In this game, both running and jumping are important, including two disciplines in one, generating the possibility of reaching the goal faster, placing half of the body in a bag and running with jumps as big as possible to get ahead to the opposites.


A child crouches down and the others jump over him and he is placed in the same position as the first, this jumping game coordinates precision so that the child can learn to deal with obstacle courses, as a sports discipline.

The wheelbarrow

This running game is about a boy with his hands on the ground and another taking his feet from behind; the technique consists of running from one end to the other, winning whoever reaches the starting point first, this game can also be used in a school sports circuit.


This game is similar to the wheelbarrow, but the student who is going to be the horse has the peculiarity of running on all fours, that is, with his hands and legs, the child will try to move forward and the one holding him will try to stop him; he wins the horse if he advances or the rider if he stops him.


This game is played with a ball, which has the first one to play, throwing the ball to his teammates who run in all directions; the one who has the ball must look for a safe shot so that he can put any of his teammates quiet and he is the one who has the turn.

The cat and the Mouse

The participants stand in a circle and one child is inside the circle and another outside; the song allusive to the mouse and the cat is sung and the cat asks each of the participants until one arrives and lets him enter, but the mouse runs away, achieving a chase.

The handkerchief

Two columns of children are placed facing each other with a partner in the center with a handkerchief. Each of the children must be numbered, the numbers being equal face to face; they advance to the center the numbers that the participant who has the handkerchief in alt or says and they must steal the handkerchief.

Cops and robbers

This game has the peculiarity of being developed in a patio or open field, dividing into two teams, those who are policemen and those who are thieves, who steal the loot and are chased and captured by each of the policemen and taken to jail.. The team that does it in less time wins.

English hideout

The English hide and seek is a fun game known in various parts of the world although with different names, where a child stands in front of a wall and announces a series of words while those behind run to catch up, but when they turn their faces towards them they freeze.

Three legs

This game consists of tying one leg and the other of two partners simulating a single leg, while leaving one of each competitor free, the game consists of running as fast as possible, coordinating the race so that they do not fall and cannot reach the goal.


Donkeys are usually the largest children who can carry the others on their backs. All this is done by making a goal or arrival and starting from a point towards the goal, the children who act as donkeys run with the load of the smaller ones who are the riders.

The Frog

line is made on the ground simulating the goal or arrival, at a more or less prudential distance the children who are going to participate in the race are crouched, the game is given and the children must run to the goal jumping like frogs, whoever does not, loses immediately.


Each of the games presented here offers fun for the participants, motivating children towards any sport discipline they want to do, as long as they maintain order, organization and discipline in it.

The practice of each one depends on the motivation, the opportunity, the place, the number of participants who want to play for it if it is a lot of children, the activity becomes more pleasant, and therefore it encourages your family to have field days where they play jumping and running games for the good of the little ones.


  • Adults must motivate children to play the different games so that they can strengthen their love for sport.
  • Each child can change the game as desired to make it more fun.
  • Creativity should be an opportunity for the child to learn to coordinate different games.
  • Adult participation in games is important.
  • Every family can make their weekends a time to spend together and do recreational activities.
  • Children feel better if they do activities that give them the opportunity to run and jump.

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