How to Train Decathlon

It is a type of athletic competition in which a segment of running is done, with a continuous race in spring that has a distance of 5 kilometers, a second segment that is done with the bicycle and has a distance of 20 kilometers, and a third segment again running that has a distance of 2.5 kilometers.

This modality is carried out when spring begins, so the weather is quite unstable, it can be rainy, windy or sunny and requires specific footwear for both parts, both for racing and for cycling. The moment in which you go from the bike to the race is called a transaction and has a set time, in addition, you must work to progressively adapt to the body, especially at the muscle level, as well as the joints and fibers, which get used to fatigue and recoveries are faster and adequate resistance is achieved to reach the goal.

The first phase called “base” consists of the continuous acquisition of the necessary preparation to be able to carry out the decathlon test correctly. In this period, two cycles are carried out that last 14 days, where the part in which races are made on foot and the part in which the route is done by bicycle are mixed, a few weeks it will be more focused on one part than on the other. Another, always alternating them and working both. If it is the first time that this type of training is going to be done, the normal thing is to carry it out for 12 weeks in total, as tests and competitions are carried out, the body is already somewhat more used to it, so for the following preparations reduce the number of weeks to 8.

Training plan in the first 14 days:

First week.

  1. Monday: About 45 or 65 kilometers are traveled on a bike.
  2. Tuesday: A continuous type race is carried out, which should not exceed 40 minutes in duration.
  3. Wednesday: A bike ride of about 50 to 70 kilometers is made.
  4. Thursday: We return to the continuous race that should last about 35 or 40 minutes.
  5. Friday: Again with the bicycle they travel between 50 to 70 kilometers.
  6. Saturday: One continuous runs of no more than 40 minutes in length.
  7. Sunday: With the bike the same route as previous days, from 50 to 70 kilometers by bike.

Second week.

  1. Monday: The duration of the continuous race is increased, which should not exceed 70 minutes.
  2. Tuesday: You rest for the first time.
  3. Wednesday: It returns to the continuous race that should last between one hour and one hour and ten minutes.
  4. Thursday: 30 to 40 kilometers by bicycle
  5. Friday: Continuous type race with a route of between 60 and 70 kilometers.
  6. Saturday: Bike training, traveling between 30 or 40 kilometers.
  7. Sunday: The last day of the second week is rest.

The goal after training this way for 2 weeks is to continue like this until you reach 14 weeks. If after two or three days of training the body gets too tired, there is fatigue or soreness, you should rest, and continue the next day in a more gentle way.

In the second phase it focuses on strength, and for beginners it should last a total of 12 weeks, as different competitions in this category are held, the weeks of training are reduced until about 8, which would be enough. In this phase it is recommended to go to the gym to work the muscles involved in these exercises. Training for two weeks, alternating with doing sit-ups and working out in the gym.

First week:

  1. Monday: The slope routes are introduced, on this first day about 50 or 60 kilometers are made by bicycle.
  2. Tuesday: They begin with a continuous race, which does not exceed an hour or an hour and ten minutes.
  3. Wednesday: You rest after two intense days.
  4. Thursday: About 20 kilometers are covered by bicycle and 30 km of continuous foot race is added.
  5. Friday: He returns alone to the bicycle, traveling 30 kilometers.
  6. Saturday: On the same day, a 30-kilometre bike period and a 5-kilometre run period are mixed, a recovery phase of a maximum of four minutes and an addition of 2 more kilometers of running.
  7. Sunday: Rest again throughout the day.

Second week:

  1. Monday: Work begins on the transition, with a bike period of about 10 minutes with the appropriate footwear and 1200 meters of continuous running with the change of footwear for runners.
  2. Tuesday: Cycling kilometers are increased to 25
  3. Wednesday: 5 more kilometers are added and 30 km are covered by bicycle, plus 6 km of continuous running.
  4. Thursday: 8 km is covered with the bicycle, plus the ascent of three slopes in a maximum time of 8 minutes, later phase of recovery with the bicycle, but without pedaling.
  5. Friday: He returns to the race continue to cover a maximum distance of 15 kilometers.
  6. Saturday: It begins with 4 km of continuous running, 300 meter slopes, recovery phase by jogging while descending and ends with 30 km by bicycle.
  7. Sunday: The second week ends with 8 km of continuous running or it can be replaced by 20 9 25 km of cycling.

The last and third phase is that of speed within the decathlon, this is different and should not be longer than 8 weeks of training, although it is recommended that it last exactly 6. In this phase the kilometers traveled are reduced, which are combined with sessions more durable. At least one day must be included where the transition is worked on and there are rest days, parts that are fundamental.

First week:

  1. Monday: It begins with the transition, combining about 10 minutes of cycling with the change of shoes and 1200 meters of continuous running.
  2. Tuesday: Focuses only on cycling, on a 30km ride.
  3. Wednesday: It is divided into the continuous race, with a route of 11 kilometers and 30 km of bicycle route.
  4. Thursday: Cycling is maintained with a 30-kilometer run, then a continuous run of about 5 kilometers, a recovery phase that does not exceed 4 minutes and the last 2 kilometers to release.
  5. Friday: You take the entire day off to recover from the week’s exercise.
  6. Saturday: It returns to cycling, with a route of 8 kilometers, plus slopes of 800 meters, 10 km of continuous type race is added.
  7. Sunday: It begins with cycling, about 30 kilometers of distance and 6 kilometers in continuous running.

Second week:

  1. Monday: The second week begins with the transition, about 10 minutes of cycling with the change of shoes included and 1200 meters running continuously.
  2. Tuesday: It returns only to cycling, with about 90 kilometers of travel.
  3. Wednesday: Cycling continues, this time 30 km.
  4. Thursday: It returns to the continuous race with 15 kilometers.
  5. Friday: It begins with cycling, 4 km of route, plus 15 km with a stopwatch, to finish with 6 km of continuous running.
  6. Saturday: It begins with 5 km of continuous running, plus a recovery phase that should not exceed 6 minutes, and ends with 3 kilometers to release. 30 kilometers per bike are added.
  7. Sunday: This week ends with rest throughout the day.

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