How to Regain Muscle Mass

If you have entered this article it is because you or someone close to you want to know how to recover muscle mass that you have lost. First of all, tell you that you do not have to worry; this is something that happens frequently and for various reasons. Whether it’s because of old age, having suffered an injury, an illness or simply because you have not led a healthy life. These are just some of the main causes of loss or reduction of muscle mass.

Regardless of the reason, the important thing is to know what foods to eat and what routines to follow to recover that lost volume. Throughout this article we will explain several ways or alternatives to recover muscle mass according to each case.

Needless to say, it is important to maintain a certain consistency and discipline to see real results with the advice we provide. Remember that sometimes, recovering lost muscle mass can be an arduous task. Especially if you take into account that you are trying to recover after some negative event, such as an injury. It is necessary to mention this because your body will not be used to having an active rhythm. So you will have the task of getting used to or adapting depending on achieving the objective.

What Foods to Eat to Regain Muscle Mass?

We will start with the most important for these cases. Believe it or not, the best way to increase or regain muscle mass is to maintain a healthy diet rich in protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats that help and benefit your body in a positive way. It is useless to spend hours in the gym training if you do not accompany your training with a proper diet.

There are two ways to develop our own diet to recover muscle mass. One of them is researching and informing yourself well about which foods are the most appropriate to achieve your goal. In addition to performing the necessary calculations on your own. Because yes, to maintain better control and balance you have to do some calculations. From now on, you will have to pay more attention to the nutritional information label that each food has.

However, there is a second and less tedious way that will save you the entire research process and other necessary tasks. It is about going and consulting a specialist (Nutritionist) to determine a diagnosis and give you the best options and treatment for your situation. It is in fact the option that we recommend at dotcoms, mainly because the specialist will give you personalized instructions for your case. As well as more suitable advice for you, depending on the reason why you lost muscle mass in the first place.

List of Foods Rich in Protein, Healthy Fats and Carbohydrates.

Going back to the main point, the most recommended foods that will undoubtedly help you in the process of increasing or recovering muscle mass are the following:

  • Fish. Many believe that meats are the best food when it comes to protein content or intake. The truth is that white meats are the richest in protein and fish are excellent for getting plenty of protein. Salmon sardines and tuna are the ones we recommend the most, however there are a variety of fish on the market that work just as well. In addition to the protein intake, these foods will also be nourished by omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Avocado and Nuts. Many people believe that all fats are harmful to the body and directly prefer to remove them from their diets or avoid their consumption. It cannot be further from the truth, your body needs fat and you must know how to balance and nourish your body well. Avocado and nuts such as hazelnuts, walnuts or almonds are great for their rich content of established fats. As well as providing a certain protein intake in the case of nuts.
  • Meat Proteins and other Products of Animal Origin. The infiltrates for any healthy diet, eat chicken, lean meats, dairy products or (chicken) eggs. They will be foods with high amounts of protein, ideal for recovering muscle mass. Everything your body needs can be found in most of these foods. Personally, we recommend the consumption of chicken breast and skimmed milk or low-fat cheese in the case of dairy products.
  • Potato, cassava and oat carbohydrates. We have mentioned these three for their great contribution in terms of carbohydrates, however, foods such as rice or whole wheat pasta can also be included in this package. Eating these foods will help your body make better use of the energy you spend throughout the day.
  • Vegetable Protein Consumption. We admit that it is better to obtain protein from foods such as chicken or fish. But it is also necessary to consume vegetables such as soybeans, chickpeas or lentils, all of these will inject your body with a good dose of protein.
  • Popeye’s Spinach. We recommend consuming spinach, either in the form of a smoothie, accompanying natural games or directly on your plate of food in the form of a salad. The reason for its recommendation is because of its nitrate content that will help in toning your body.

After everything written in this list, it is clear that there is no excuse for not nourishing your body well, the diversity of protein sources on the market exists and it is all up to you to take the initiative to consume them.

What Nutritional Supplements Can I Take?

We are aware that in the market, in addition to a wide variety of foods that benefit your body, there is also the possibility of buying nutritional supplements. We are in favor of consuming them as long as they are of natural origin. The reason is not on a whim, but the reasons for losing muscle mass mentioned at the beginning of this article must be taken into account.

If you lost muscle mass due to illness or injury. Consuming foods like those mentioned in the list will favor you not only in terms of muscle volume but also in other aspects that your body needs for optimal recovery.

The Keys to Regain Muscle Mass.

We decided to close this article with a flourish by commenting on the keys to achieving the proposed goal of recovering muscle mass. Regardless of the cause of your volume loss, it is essential to keep in mind the following aspects in order to recover it:

  • Maintain a good diet and beware of unhealthy temptations such as alcoholic beverages or junk food.
  • Sleep at least eight hours a day, sustaining a good quality of sleep means better recovery and assimilation of the food you have eaten. That your muscles rest enough will give you a better ability to retain energy and avoid muscle fatigue when training. Otherwise, you risk suffering a muscle tear or minor injuries.
  • Be consistent and disciplined with your exercise routine, although it is not only about perseverance and discipline but also about intelligence. Follow a routine that is progressive and adapted to what you need; there is no need to overdo it.

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