How Is the Muscular System?

When we know each other well, we do our best to take care of each other. For example, if we know that we are allergic to a certain substance, we are not going to deliberately expose ourselves to it, because we know that this can have serious consequences for our health, and that is far from what we want.

On the contrary, if we like a specific food, we try to consume it as much as possible, since doing so produces a pleasant sensation of pleasure that vivifies us. The same could be said of drinks, desserts, our favorite movies, etc.

Of course, unless it is by medical prescription or because we have some mental problem, we would never intentionally do something that caused us pain. That would not be our comfort zone.

However, there is also the possibility of doing things that harm us due to ignorance. Perhaps, until now, we have followed a diet that is affecting us in a negative way or we may make a movement that causes pain in some part of our body.

As we have pointed out, in general, this occurs due to ignorance. In other words, we do not know which the most vulnerable parts of our body are and, therefore, we do not take the necessary preventive measures.

If we had the knowledge, it would be reckless on our part because we know that we will inflict pain on ourselves or cause ourselves some harm.

Therefore, in order not to be victims of ignorance, today we will be talking about our muscular system and how it is made up. Thus, we will avoid doing what harms it and we will take action on the matter in relation to taking care of it in the appropriate way.

So do not stop reading this article, because you will get answers to many of the questions that you may have asked yourself. Let’s see how the following subtitle helps us.

Instructions for the muscular system

We usually associate muscles with strength. However, that is not its only function. Among the many functions of the muscular system we find:

  • Posture: Thanks to the muscles we can keep our body stable even when we are at rest. In addition, it allows each part of our body to remain in its corresponding place.
  • The movement of the internal organs: They are responsible for managing the internal organs, such as the heart and the intestines, giving them the opportunity to function properly.
  • Locomotion: They allow us to move and move from one place to another, whether walking, running or climbing.
  • Protection: Both the muscles and the bones are responsible for protecting the internal organs from possible attacks, keeping them completely protected.
  • Stability: Thanks to the muscles we can keep our body stable.
  • Heat: When they are active in movement, our muscles are responsible for producing heat energy.
  • The information: When the muscles contract, they can show that we suffer from some kind of ailment in our body, in addition, it gives us the opportunity to adopt certain postures that transmit information to those around us.

As we see, the muscles are not placed in our body in a disorderly or random way. Each one fulfills a unique and important function in this great industry, such as our human body.

We now know that muscles are not only related to the activities that we carry out with our arms and legs, but that they are also responsible for producing much more subtle movements such as our facial expressions, eye movements and our breathing.

Being aware of these details allows us to value our muscular system more and do everything possible to keep it healthy.

However, this is not the only thing we need to know about our muscles. Let’s see…

What do you need for the muscular system?

Our muscular system is made up of different types of muscles. We have the visceral, the skeletal and the cardiac.

The visceral, are those that we have inside organs such as the intestines, blood vessels and stomach. The weakest of them is still very important, since it is responsible for making the organs contract and thus substance can circulate through them.

It is a type of involuntary muscle, in other words, it cannot be controlled directly by the mind, at least not by the conscious. This type of muscle is also called smooth muscle, since it has this appearance when viewed under a microscope.

Now, as for the cardiac muscle, we can say that we can only find it in the heart, as its name indicates, and it is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.

It is also an involuntary muscle; otherwise we could stop our heart when we decide to. He stimulates himself to be able to contract. In view of this, it is considered to be intrinsically regulated.

The cells that make up the tissue of this muscle are striated. These striate imply that the muscle cell is very strong, unlike the cells that make up smooth or visceral muscles.

Last but not least, we have skeletal muscle. It receives this name because these muscles are always connected to the skeleton, at least in part.

Unlike the others, this is a voluntary muscle, since it is consciously controlled. Walking, jumping, eating, writing, laughing are actions that can be done thanks to skeletal muscles.

Its function is to contract so that the part of the body, which is closer to the bone to which the muscle is attached, can move. Almost all skeletal muscles are joined by two bones at a joint.

Like heart muscle, skeletal muscle is striated, therefore much stronger.

As for the shape of the muscles, they receive different shapes depending on the function they perform. In our body we can find muscles of the type:

  •  Fusiform: These muscles are spindle-shaped. They are large in the center and elongated towards the end, at their ends.
  •  Flat and wide: A perfect example of this is the muscles of the abdomen and those of the rib cage, which allow the breathing process to take place.
  •  Fan-shaped: As their name indicates, they are fan-shaped. We can find an example of this in the pectorals.
  •  Circular: They are ring-shaped and are responsible for opening and closing ducts. For example, the opening of the anus.
  •  Orbicularis: These are very similar to the fusiform. However, we must not confuse them. Unlike them, these have a hole in the center. This allows them to open and close parts such as the eyes and mouth.

As we have already been pointing out before, the muscles have different ways of operating. In them we can clearly identify three types of movements. We have the volunteers, the involuntary and the self-employed.

Now, what else should you know about our muscular system? Pay attention to the following tips.

Tips for the muscular system

In view of the complexity and importance of our muscular system, you will surely want to know what is the correct way to take care of it, since our lives depend on its proper functioning.

To take care of our muscles we must ingest enough glucose, vitamins and magnesium. To achieve this we must have a balanced diet. You can search the Internet for what foods you can eat so that you get them properly.

You can also take some food supplements. However, you should not abuse them. Preferably you should consume them under medical prescription in order to avoid any adverse effect on our body.

We must not forget that we must stay hydrated. To achieve this goal, we should not replace water with other types of beverages. The only thing that can really quench thirst is water and it is the most beneficial for our body.

On the other hand, you must perform an exercise routine, preferably daily. This will give your muscles a chance to get the right tone and strength.

If you stay active, you will be able to have an adequate muscular proportion and strengthen your work capacity. On the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle only contributes to obesity. In addition, they weaken the muscles and make the possibility of suffering a muscular accident more real.

Among them we can find tears, which occur when the muscle tissue fiber breaks. Causing a lot of pain to the sufferer.

We can also mention cramps, which are nothing more than spasmodic contractions that occur involuntarily in the superficial muscles. They are also usually very painful.

We cannot ignore sprains; these are injuries that can range from moderate to severe. This damage occurs to the muscle fiber, such as tears, when they are forced to go beyond their established limits.

An even more serious one is atrophy, which is the inability of muscle tissue to perform any function. In other words, it leaves you paralyzed.

Since we do not want to suffer any of these accidents, it is vital that we take preventive measures. We are now much better trained, so we have no excuse not to act. If we do not take action on the matter, we would be very negligent with our body and we would show that we do not love each other.

Take care of your muscular system, that complex industry that allows us to act and fully enjoy our lives.

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