Body Mass Index (BMI): Everything You Need To Know

You look in the mirror and you’re seeing some love handles that shouldn’t be there or that weren’t visible before, so you start to wonder how your weight is or if you’ve increased in the last month, or maybe you ‘re gaining weight because of those snacks without guilt what have you eaten

It is time to worry because you are not used to gaining weight regularly, so you have the possibility of improving your appearance by eating a balanced diet, exercising daily or simply walking to work instead of going by bus.

In addition, the clothes no longer fit as well as before or you feel that they are less loose, so the concern begins to pass into a state of immense terror, which is not normal in your body and therefore you must have the possibility of improving that.

Apart from having problems with the locker room, you have felt some symptoms that are not normal, having to go to the specialist and, in turn, perform some blood tests to check if you have any high values ​​​​such as bad cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, among others.

For this reason, we bring you the answer to your body weight, that is, to know the BMI, whose meaning is the Body Mass Index, so that you know what the normal levels of it are and when you need to stop eating too much because you have increased weight.

What do you need for everything you need to know?

  • Normal ranges.
  • Ideal weight ranges.
  • Obesity or overweight ranges.
  • Measurement.
  • High body values.
  • Knowledge.
  • Need for a balanced diet.
  • Training.
  • Leave stress.

Instructions for everything you need to know

The body mass index or BMI is known as the measure of fat that a person has in his body, according to his height or size and chronological age in which he, so knows these two variables will start the defense mechanism against obesity.

Both women and men have normal values ​​​​by which to define their normal BMI, and from then on it is considered high values ​​​​with the danger of becoming the terrible disease that is obesity and its discomfort as well as ailments.

For this reason, it is important to know the values ​​that are considered normal, those that maintain an ideal weight or those that can be found within the range of obesity, for this reason it is important that you stay within these lines and thus be able to count on prevention before any.

This is how the BMI is calculated

  1. You already realized that you have gained weight, so you should be able to know what your body mass index is in order to start doing something that makes you lose weight or be careful to stay in shape.
  2. The normal, ideal weight and obesity is measured through the body mass index or BMI, which is translated with the knowledge of fat that a person has in the body in order to help release it, removing the root problem.
  3. The body mass index has the possibility of being calculated by the ideal height and weight that the person should have and enters a third variable such as age; Likewise, there is the possibility of having a range of values ​​to maintain the ideal weight, such as: BMI less than 18.5 is underweight; BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 normal weight; BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 pre-obesity; BMI between 30.0 and more obesity.
  4. The little or low weight is not characteristic of anemia, it may be that the person needs to gain a few extra kilos to be within the ideal weight range, but you have to be aware if you lose more than what is considered normal, to avoid diseases.
  5. The normal weight corresponds to the range in which the person should be located according to the three variables presented above, which are weight, height and age, which will give him the normal BMI to stabilize his body on a regular basis.
  6. The ranges stipulated as pre-obesity have the particularity of having a quick way to improve, since it is between the normal values ​​​​and obesity, being dangerous values ​​​​in which the person must be warned.
  7. Finally, obesity is considered when it exceeds the stipulated BMI limit, so it is important that the person has the opportunity to start taking care of him with a balanced diet, exercises and other ways to lose weight.
  8. You must be in constant communication with the specialist or a nutritionist, these are the ones indicated to be able to medicate, if necessary, the person so that they can reach their ideal or normal weight as appropriate.
  9. Diets must be supervised by the nutritionist, because many times overweight or obese patients tend to follow diets that do not help them at all or gain weight at any time they are neglected and much more than normal.
  10. Overweight and obesity are causes of quite dangerous diseases in any person, since it contributes to the rise in body levels that endanger people’s lives, therefore, the BMI must always be monitored.
  11. Obesity or overweight are also caused by poor eating habits and stress, together with the different economic activities in which people are usually immersed in today’s society, that is why these facts must be taken into account.
  12. The BMI is used to detect the amount of fat in a person’s body, but in no case does it detect its presence in the body, that is, it does not serve to prevent an excessive amount of it, so before reaching weight you have to change eating habits.
  13. The BMI readings must be interpreted by an expert in this subject, as he is the one indicated to diagnose, evaluate and send the specific treatment for each stage, since the way to counteract it is not the same.
  14. The expert’s evaluations are carried out prior to the feeling of having had a symptom of weight gain or lack of it, so after that you have to be aware of visiting him sporadically to know how to help keep fit.
  15. Exercises also play a major role in lowering the BMI, but that will depend on the body weight that must be eliminated, as well as the necessary medical indications to do it safely and without any side effects.
  16. Body weight or body mass index can also be measured through the person’s waist, always remembering the differences between men and women, so it should be taken to indicate if you tend to be obese or not. So keep the following in mind: The amount of fat around your waist; High-cholesterol level; Diabetes; cardiovascular diseases; High blood pressure.
  17. Take into account that patients who have excess fat in the body must have a special contingency plan that progressively eliminates this from their body, to avoid suffering from the diseases listed above.
  18. To measure the waist fat, it is done as if you were going to take measurements to make a dress or suit, therefore with a tape measure around the waist in a tight way, but without tightening too much, relaxing the body and especially the abdomen.
  19. The important thing about all this is that the measures are the ideal ones to know if you have excess fat and you should maintain a balanced diet with exercises to lower your body mass index, to avoid obesity and dangerous or serious health diseases.
  20. Maintain constant communication with the nutrition specialist, with the opportunity to monitor weekly loss or know the level of BMI eliminated during it, this will give you the possibility of knowing if the treatment is giving favorable results.
  21. On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account the need to immediately change everything related to the treatment if it is not giving results, but do not self-medicate, talk to the specialist before doing so, he is the only one who must establish what steps to follow.
  22. The body mass index then indicates whether you are healthy or have weight problems that in turn affect the appearance of respiratory problems that prevent a person from fully developing their daily activities.
  23. The body mass index should be measured in times of strong changes in the person; an example of this is the entry into adolescence, from 18 to 25 years, the arrival of 40, and menopause in women who tend to rise in weight at this stage so vulnerable to them.
  24. It is important to recognize that the body mass index also affects sleep disorders, leading to chronic insomnia due to problems generated by obesity, so it is important to be careful not to exceed the level of fat in the body.
  25. The health habits that are carried are important to maintain your ideal weight; among them can also be relaxation exercises, yoga, meditation exercises, among many others that can make you feel better and with more energy.
  26. The specialist is the one to recommend different exercise sessions or choose the sport that can help you lose weight, have a faster metabolism, rest well and, of course, leave aside stress and anxiety to avoid problems.
  27. Find information about any activity that helps you lose weight such as swimming, squash, soccer, and boxing, among other sports that are beneficial to your health and offer you to maintain your ideal weight, so that you are always healthy.

Tips for Everything you need to know

  • If you are at the high level of obesity, you should lower the excess to avoid diseases.
  • By losing weight, you will feel an increase in energy, health and strength that you did not have before.
  • To prevent excess fat and obesity, you have to stop sedentary life and start walking, jogging or jogging.
  • Being overweight is the initial stage of obesity, so it is necessary to take precautions to avoid gaining weight.
  • You need to take into account the factor that is causing you to gain weight which may be a metabolism that is too slow.
  • The specialist is the only one who can recommend what is necessary to lose weight.
  • Do not take medications that can slow down metabolism and thus gain weight instead of staying at the ideal.

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