Author name: FitnessBlogPro Staff

FitnessBlogPro is packed with advice on exercise, diet, routines, and also free training programmes. There is a ton of useful content available that provides people with access to free knowledge to enhance their cardio, fitness, and overall health. All types of runners, from casual joggers to marathon enthusiasts, can use FitnessBlogPro.

High Intensity Exercises – How To Do High Intensity Exercises

We live in a society dominated by stress and haste. We want to train but we don’t have time, hardly even to eat. Last minute meetings, going to pick up our children and a thousand other reasons serve to summarize our day to day. For this reason, high-intensity exercises are ideal for reaching everything and not running out of our

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How to Train TRX: Military Training

TRX is the fashionable sport. It was created by the US Army to maintain excellent physical condition without too many materials and without too much space. Today it is one of the most practiced sports. What does TRX consist of? Well, it’s just suspension training. When practiced in suspension, this military training offers a great advantage since in each session functional strength is

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Relaxation Exercises – How To Do Relaxation Exercises

Relaxation exercises not only work for us so that we can release tension from each of our muscles, but they are also a great help in being able to maintain control when we are stressed. If we are constant when performing each of these exercises, we can take advantage of the skills achieved to reduce many typical symptoms

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