How to Train Running – Tables, Tips and Tricks

From a young age, it is part of our nature to develop the ability to run, some by their very nature run faster than others. Others, on the other hand, acquire more resistance and strength by training. In any of the cases, learning how to train running can help us in many things.

To begin with, by knowing how to train running correctly, we will be able to acquire strength, cardiovascular resistance and accelerate our metabolism, thus allowing a better use of the nutrients in our food and better control of our weight.

Running is a word of English origin (Anglicism), which literally refers to running. That is, it can refer to activities related to athletics and speed competitions, but simplifying, it literally means running. However, to run, not only do you need to run, you have to know how to do it and with what other exercises we can complement our running training.

In order to resolve all doubts regarding this sport and in turn to achieve the best possible results, we want to tell you what you can do and how to order your training schedules to achieve the best possible results. So do not expect anything else and take into account all the things that we will be telling you in this article.

From how you can start your workouts if you are a complete novice, to nutrition tips, complementary exercises, and essential care to avoid harmful or counterproductive actions that can truncate or affect our training.

We also want to show you some tables that will make it easier for you to organize your workouts, as well as some tips and tricks that will be very useful if you are determined to start this sport.

First of all you must take into account one thing; the level of exercises you do and the difficulty of them will depend on your level of resistance and your daily habits. So you can plan how to perform your exercises, customizing them according to your needs and daily activities.

What do you need to train Running – Tables, Tips and Tricks?

  • Toilet
  • Sportswear
  • A place to train
  • discipline
  • Constance

Instructions to train Running – Tables, Tips and Tricks

  1. First start with organizing your schedules that is the most important thing to start with any discipline. As you know, they are called disciplines for a reason, and we must be disciplined if we want to obtain favorable results from our practices. That is why it is of the utmost importance that you have established schedules to be able to do your exercises. Since you are starting to run, it is best to start running 2 or 3 times a week, and complement the rest of the week with other exercises such as swimming, weights or cardiovascular and resistance exercises. This way you will not only receive a comprehensive training, but you will be able to favor the resistance and strength that you apply when running. Look at some training tables to see some examples of how you can organize your schedules to be able to run.
  2. Consider the amount of calories and protein that you will require to be able to perform your exercises. Running is an exercise that burns a lot of calories, so if you eat poorly you will lose weight, and excessive weight loss can lead to health problems. For this reason, it is recommended that you go to a nutritionist or sports expert who will guide you on the type of diet you should take with respect to the types of exercise you will be doing, as well as this diet should be personalized to your needs and your goals (it is not the same a diet to lose weight, that a diet to increase muscle mass).
  3. It is not recommended that you follow diet advice or diets that you see on the internet or sports magazines, since the nutritional needs of each person are different and may be dictated by various factors, from religious customs, body mass, physical activity, availability of time, even your simple tastes or foods to which you are intolerant. Therefore, following diets could be something not recommended, since it could end up affecting your health. For this reason, we repeat the importance of going to a verifiable expert who can guide us on our diet and training.
  4. You do not want to start with very exhaustive exercise days if you are a beginner. One of the problems with people obsessed with getting a physique or getting better at a sport is overdoing their workouts. This occurs especially in novices who do not know how to moderate their exercises to their needs and overexert themselves. Overexerting yourself will only cause fatigue and the days after that you have to run or do other training, you will not be able to give enough energy to do them because you will have exhausted yourself excessively and unnecessarily in your previous day. That is why we recommend you train little by little.
  5. When we talk about running and being novices or returning to activity after a long period of physical inactivity or within the discipline, it is necessary to start with moderate exercises. Try to start your day with aerobic exercises that help you warm up your muscles and prepare your breathing for the impact of running. After this it is important to stretch to prepare the muscles for activity. You should also start with a constant jog that is not slow, but not running either. We suggest that after 2 or 3 minutes of just jogging, quicken your pace. It is not necessary that you run for a long time, especially since your body may not be very used to it. Try to run for 10 seconds at full speed and then gradually slow down so you don’t overexert yourself.
  6. It is also important that you breathe properly when running. Before, it was believed that one should breathe in through the nose and exhale through the mouth or alternate breaths of air at slow or fast intervals. To know how to breathe when running, you have to take into account a few things. It is ideal to breathe and exhale through the nose, because our nose is a natural filter that helps us clean impurities from the air so that it enters our body with a lower toxicity impact than we would get if we breathe through the mouth. However, if you are speeding up the pace and your body asks for more oxygen. You can breathe through your mouth, because if we deprive our body of oxygen following the recommendations of only breathing through the nose, it could be negative for our health, generate dizziness, blood imbalance, and other problems when running.
  7. It is also important to know how to control the air. Using a common breath by filling your chest with air is not the right way to get the most out of your breath. The ideal is to allow enough air to enter to extend the diaphragm and stomach, as well as being able to manage the air with controlled rates of retention and expulsion of air to breathe in a controlled way according to our pace. Do not force your stomach to fill it with air, allow it to enter naturally and inflate on its own.
  8. It is recommended that you complement your running exercises with swimming, since this helps us to obtain cardiopulmonary resistance, control of the air and, in turn, allows a complete stimulation of all the weight. Also doing abs workouts and weights could be great ways to supplement our workouts. It is not even necessary that you do much training, with complementing 10 minutes of weights and 10 or 20 minutes of swimming is more than enough to comment on acquiring condition.

Tips for training Running – Tables, Tips and Tricks

  • We hope that everything that we exposed here today has been very helpful for you. We hope that you will continue visiting our site and that you share this article with your friends, contacts or family if you feel that it has been useful to you.
  • It is recommended that you do not run more than 5 times a week, as you could be exaggerating and this could be harmful to your body. The body requires rest just like with any other discipline. The ideal is to do it for 30 to 40 minutes with speed intervals and breaks, but the time can vary according to your needs.
  • Do not forget to drink water, it is important to keep the body hydrated and especially when it comes to physical activity such as running that will make you sweat a lot and lose fluids.

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